Sunday, March 29

Words Without Borders

The project Words Without Borders The online magazine for international literature This is a great initiative not only for literature but for exchanging cultural ideas. You can search for your favorite writer and end up interested in another one that you have never heard about which is one of the most amazing aspects of the project. There are book reviews and informations about writers and the countries they live. They have already done a lot since 2007 and are planning to do more: adding more features, events, writers, criticism, biographical and historical data. It's a great way to make literature alive and not that boring class one has to attend reading books that has no interest other than taking notes to please others.
"Our ultimate aim is to introduce exciting international writing to the general public — travelers, teachers, students, publishers, and a new generation of eclectic readers — by presenting international literature not as a static, elite phenomenon, but a portal through which to explore the world. In the richness of cultural information we present, we hope to help foster a “globalization” of cultural engagement and exchange, one that allows many voices in many languages to prosper."
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Or: You just have to experience.